
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Year's Resolutions

As another year comes to a close, most of us are spending some time thinking about their resolutions for next year.  I certainly entertain some every year, not that I am very good at keeping them.

This year I have created some resolutions for Sweet Handmade.  Here is what I am trying to make better for the year ahead.

1.  I will buy no cookie cutters in 2014.  Okay, this one is about as achievable as resolving to never eat chocolate again, but I am setting my goals high.

2.  I will be a better blogger.  I love to tell stories, but I admit I tend to neglect this blog, resorting to Facebook for the every day stuff.

3.  Post more often (on all of my social media accounts - Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Flickr and this blog), especially the behind the scenes stuff that seems to get the most response.

4.  Learn to turn it off - the computer, that is!  I have the terrible problem of "procrastination" and I admit to spending time on useless things online and then having to work into the evening to finish orders.

5.  Ask for help when needed - this is probably my biggest challenge.  There are times help is the only way I can finish an order, whether it is hiring someone to help in the Sweet Handmade kitchen or asking my family to pitch in with meals and household chores, I have to improve this area!

I hope you are successful in any resolutions you make.  I am going to go out this morning and enjoy one last workout at the gym before it becomes packed with those who put "exercise" on their resolutions list!  Happy New Year!

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