
Friday, February 15, 2013

Triathlon Cookies

I am not sure how it all happened, but somehow I have become a part of a triathlon club at my town's local leisure centre (check out our beautiful facility here).  The club helps us to prepare for triathlon or duathlon type events.  During the winter months we are doing spinning classes, swimming in the pool and running outside (or inside on the track if the conditions are icy), and as the weather warms up we will be moving all the components outside.

Years ago I participated in a couple of duathlon events consisting of running and biking, but since then I have eliminated running from my life due to stiffness and pain.  When I learned about aquathon events that involve just biking and swimming, I figured I could consider participating in those.  First, I had to conquer my fears in the pool and learn the front crawl.  It was so bad, that at my first tri-club swim class I almost had a panic attack at the thought of putting my face in the water.  But in the months since then, I have spent many hours each week in the pool and I can now say I have conquered my fears and mastered the front crawl; in fact at yesterday's class I was timed doing 200 meters of front crawl.  It's not pretty and certainly not fast, but I am pretty proud of myself for accomplishing this at my age!

For me, one of the best parts of this club is the social aspect.  My husband, who is also my best friend, is in the club and he is really dedicated to fitness, so it ensures we never miss a class.  It's fun to be with him and all the other great triathletes in the class.  Recently we invited the whole team to our house for a post bike/run brunch.  We served coffee, tea and juices, delicious carrot cake muffins, fruit, veggies, a breakfast strata and triathlon cookies.  The brunch was lovely and the cookies were delicious!  Here's to a great summer of athletic success!

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