
Friday, January 18, 2013

Horse Head and Horse Ribbon Cookies

My youngest daughter is in love with horses and rides at Foxwood Farms in Bradford, Ontario (  When my husband and I decided to join a triathlon training club that meets at the same time as her Saturday morning lesson I was stumped as to how to get her there.  That is when fellow rider Jacklyn and her mom Sarah stepped in and offered to pick her up each week to get her to her lesson.  How can I really express my thanks for that kindness?  Well, I started with cookies!

Designed to look like Jacklyn's favourite horse - Blaze, with a chestnut body and sorrel mane (see Annie, I do pay attention when you try to teach me about horses!), this cookie is a large 8" across.  To complete this horsey theme, I thought a blue (first place) ribbon to say "thanks" added a nice touch.  I appreciate your kindness, Sarah and Jacklyn!

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