
Monday, January 21, 2013

Dog Cookies (for People)

Local business woman Jenn has one true love in her life, a beautiful Australian Shepherd named Maisy.

Look at this beautiful shot of Maisy taken by Amy Vee Photography -
Recently Jenn approached me with an idea about celebrating Maisy's birthday, by thanking all her friends who help her with Maisy; you know what they say - "it takes a village".  She had an idea of creating Maisy in cookie form, so I went to work and came up with two whimsical designs for us to discuss.

These cookies were just a starting point and Jenn and I got together to discuss how to make them perfect.  First was the background colour - Maisy is all girl and the blue background had to be changed to pink.  Also, Maisy doesn't have a tail, so no tails on the final cookies!  Her nose is pinker, her ears darker and in the end, we decided on the tall dog's body, the short dog's head and the tall dog's ears and tongue.  Here is the final result (notice I left in the "wiggle"):

I love them and so did Jenn, who gave me a great big hug and was very excited with the end result.  Packaged with a small bone with Maisy's nickname (Maisy Moo), the many people who love and care for her will enjoy these delicious cookies.

Happy birthday, Maisy Moo!

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