
Friday, March 8, 2013

X-Rays and Broken Bone Cookies

The call came Monday while I was at lunch with my girlfriend - it was the school secretary: "Can you come get Annie, she is really hurt after falling on the ice."  When I arrived to the school my brave girl broke down, crying and constantly letting me know that her shoulder "really hurts!"  A few hours later we had the diagnosis, broken humerus and she will be spending the next four weeks wearing a sling as it heals.

It was the first time I have had to deal with a broken bone in all my years of motherhood, thank goodness, but it was not fun witnessing the pain my sweet Annie was in.  A few days later, the reality has set in, most of her extra-curricular activities are on hold - horseback riding, piano, guitar, dance and swimming.  To top it off, she needs my help with almost everything - brushing and shampooing her hair, putting on her socks, cutting her food!  At almost 13 years old, she is not enjoying this loss of independence, but secretly I am enjoying this return to hands-on mothering.  I made some cookies to share - edible x-rays and yummy pain relief!


  1. I guess it's a lot to hope that a valuable lesson was learned about not wearing silly impractical footwear in winter....but given Annie is of the female persuasion, that might well be too much to hope.

  2. Well, Annie does have the practical Dutch genes as well, so while the crazy cowboy boots were worn on the wrong day, she claims she will never make that mistake again. In her defense, she thought she had a school council meeting and was expecting not to go outside during recess. She sure is a sweetie!
